Thank you for your interest in and donation to Hope Unlimited Productions and the feature-length documentary, For Such a Time as This!
As members of the human race, as well as straight, GLBT and faith communities, we have an incredible opportunity to address entrenched religious indoctrination through honesty, and shed light where there is darkness; to help bring about a healing and reconciliation while building a bridge with this very timely and special film. I encourage you to be a part of history in the making. Please pray about how you can contribute.
Below is a list of our sponsorship levels, along with our expressions of gratitude you will receive for your generous donation. Please check the appropriate box, fill in the information section, and click the “Submit” button to complete your contribution. To donate by mail (check, money order or credit card), please request a hard or electronic copy of our contribution response form by calling (301) 682-7858 or writing to
Every donation counts and gets us that much closer to reaching our goal…the completion of a smart, unique and heartfelt film based in love.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart in advance for your generosity. It WILL make a difference!
With many blessings and much gratitude,
Lisa Darden
Filmmaker and President
Hope Unlimited Productions, Inc.
If you wish to make a NON Tax Deductible donation,
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